6 quick wins to improve your marketplace listing

May 3, 2023
6 quick wins to improve your marketplace listing

Get better results with an optimized page on your partner’s marketplace. We’ve got 6 easy ways to make it stand out.

Congratulations, you’ve claimed your listing in your partner’s marketplace! Now you have the ability to fill out and update your page to educate visitors about your brand and how you can specifically help them.

Although every partnership is slightly different, they all benefit from a marketplace listing. With the listing, your partner and their customers have public access to information about you and your partnership.

Plus, there are real benefits! Your marketplace page can help you:

  • Educate prospects
  • Get leads from your partner’s marketplace
  • Extend your brand's reach and exposure
  • Show in searches related to you and your partner
  • Showcase the upside value of your partnership

Want to make your listing a knock-out landing page? We’ve got some quick tips to boost it.

6 quick wins to boost your marketplace listing

1. Fill out as many sections as possible, not just the required ones

The more information you provide on this page, the more useful it will be to visitors. So even if a section isn’t required, fill it out anyway.

Your partner has carefully chosen the sections to include on your partner page. Each offers a new type of value, whether it’s education, social proof, or engagement.

So head back into your account and fully complete all available sections. You’ll see 100% on your scorecard when you do.

Screenshot of Partner Fleet required sections.

2. Pick the right categories & filters

People can find your marketplace listing by searching for it. But if they’re looking for a solution like yours, they may choose a category instead.

So carefully pick the categories that you appropriately fit into. You want to showcase the best way the partnership works, and choose all the categories that fall into that description.

But don’t just choose every category. You’ll earn more trust by being the right solution for the right person, not necessarily a solution for everyone.

3. Cater your content to the marketplace’s audience

Your listing on this marketplace is not meant to promote your product, it's meant to promote your partnership.

Explain why 1+1=3. Why do your two companies go together like PB&J? Peanut butter is good on its own and so is jelly, but something magical happens when they're put together. You want to extract this magic and illustrate it on your listing, which is what will ultimately get the visitor excited.

Call out pain points, describe the details of your partnership, and explain how you can solve problems together.

The more you resonate with this audience, the better your results will be from your listing in the marketplace.

4. Add an actionable CTA

The best way to capture leads and drive results is with a call to action on your page. When visitors hit your page and understand the value, what should they do next?

This is the most valuable part of a marketplace listing. In the past, people would have to track down your website, find the right action for them, and reach out to you there. Imagine how many people would have just given up then.

So add a “contact us” or “get a demo” CTA on your page and track the new leads you have coming in.

5. Include social proof wherever possible

It’s always the right time to brag about your company. And the best way to do that is through the voices of your customers.

Wherever possible on your listing, include testimonials and even reviews from people who have had success working with you and your partner.

Don’t have a partnership success story yet? Include a testimonial just about you. When it comes to social proof, more is always better. Highlight quotes that are easy for readers to scan quickly and understand the value. I always like to use a statistic if I have one.

6. Use AI to improve your listing

ChatGPT prompt asking for listing help.

We’re in the age of AI. So use ChatGPT to help you build and improve your marketplace listing.

Here are a few prompts to get you thinking:

  • I work for [X] and we partner with [Y]. Give me a list of elements to include on a landing page about our partnership.
  • I work for [X] and we partner with [Y]. Write the copy for a landing page describing our integration.
  • I work for [X] and we partner with [Y]. Give me 10 personas who would likely benefit from using our products/services together.
  • Say this in a more exciting way: [Your copy here.]
  • Make this copy more succinct and actionable: [Your copy here.]

Was this helpful? If so, check out our blog post on useful ChatGPT prompts for partnerships professionals.

Bonus: Complete your listing as soon as possible

The faster you fill out and submit your information, the faster your page can go live and start reaping the benefits.

Good news: Your account has a scorecard built in to let you know exactly what your partner requires to complete your listing (these may vary depending on your account). Fill out all required sections and submit for approval ASAP.

Get advice on updating or creating your own marketplace

Do you have a marketplace? Do you want one? We’re happy to get on a call and give you advice for how to make it work better for you and your partners.

Ready to get started?
Book a demo today!